Friday, November 16, 2007

A visit with Blinn...and Samantha!

When God worked out the details of my neice, Samantha, and her little girl, Blinn (14 months) to come visit I could not wait. And during the three days we had, we didn't waste a minute...
We picked the pumpkins that had grown in our garden. Tay thought they were cool and helped Dad while the little ladies, couldn't stand to touch them.

Tay enjoyed being the big boy with the girls and showing them his swingset.

Blinn loved the slide once she got the hang of it.

Jocelyn and Blinn had a great relationship. One minute they would be hugging, the next you could hear screeches coming from one or both as they "discussed" who should get to play with the baby stroller.

Bath time was exciting and our big tub got some good use.

After the kiddos headed to bed Samantha and I enjoyed talks until way too late...but every minute was sweet. Love you, Samantha, Greg, and Blinn

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