These last few days with my kiddos has been amazing. Just the simple act of turning off the TV has made such a difference in my day. Now, it still comes on a little almost every day but very little. I have had the best time just doing household chores WITH my children. Taylor is great at helping empty the dishwasher and he is pretty good at loading the dryer. He helps me put things away, but I have learned to be patient and specific. These things take longer when he helps but they become much more fun. Tay and Jocey "help" me make lunch and supper most days. Tay sits on the counter and Jocey in the highchair where we can talk, watch what is going on and sample the good food. We have taken some time every day to play some game together. Yesterday it was Candy Land. The day before it was cars, before that we played farm. With having the TV off my time nursing Jocey has become so much sweeter. I actually take the time just to look at her and know that this time is so short so I want to give this time to her. Thank you Lord, for giving me today, now help me give time to my children. Amen.
oh! That was so sweet! I have so much to look forward to. Asher and I like to cook dinner together too, the conversation is limited, but laughing and singing is definitely there. Proud of you with the tv mama!
It's amazing how much they are taking in with those moments. You'll know what I mean in about a year or two with Taylor. He'll say things like, "remember that time we were making dinner together..." and you'll go 'huh'? Kids are sponges, they take it all in and soak it up. Good job with the t.v. and keep it up. It has made my life more quiet and sweet, as well.
You are such a great example to us mothers to be!
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