Tonight I actually cried...
We were having family fun night which is a weekly tradition in our family. Out comes the family fun night box and each child gets to pick a slip of paper with an activity on them and that is what the night consists of. There is everything from 'go to Starbucks' (my idea) to 'read a book'. Tonight the two that were drawn were 'movie' and 'make a play'. So off Taylor and Jocelyn went to get ready for their play. A few minutes later a bouncy clown and fair princess appeared ready for their showbiz debut. So I found some music and the clown 'taylor' took the stage. Next was the fairy princess 'jocelyn'. The music that came up just happened to be the newer version of "Over the Rainbow" As she danced Taylor joined in. All the lights were off in the house, "to make it like a show" except for two little lights and while my two older children twirled, sprinted, jumped, and waved their hands I was struck with the picture of a little girl who truly imagined herself a princess and a little boy who really believed me when I said, "you are an amazing dancer". Their joy in making me laugh and clap brought tears to my eyes. These moments are so precious. No really, they are precious. I felt as if God was sitting right next to me and laughing, maybe with tears in His eyes, as He watched His creation dance for the sheer delight and love of it.
Tonight I actually cried out of joy, because of an overwhelming feeling of blessing, and because the reality of these moments as fleeting truly became reality. If no one ever reads this but it reminds me that my children are sacred responsibility then I am glad I wrote.